I don’t know what I’m more impressed by: the fact that such an interesting unlock system exists in a game like Zip Lash, or that Nintendo didn’t gate these costumes off behind amiibos.
I don’t know what I’m more impressed by: the fact that such an interesting unlock system exists in a game like Zip Lash, or that Nintendo didn’t gate these costumes off behind amiibos.
Wow. I’m saddened beyond words. I know I don’t know you well, Tina, but you were always the kindest, most approachable person.
Man, I didn’t even see that when I posted the trailer on TAY. Great catch!
Such a good game. I like 5 more than any other in the series so far. I’m still messing around in the item world, even though I finished the game forever ago.
This is just the greatest. I’m hoping for a comment from the sender, at minimum.
Streaming to YouTube is a pretty big deal, too! Especially with the big push YouTube gaming is making, and it works well.
Awesome, make sure to say hi next time you see me there! Enjoy your icon! :D
Oh not at all! I love that it’s out there! Do you visit TAY/Kotaku often?
I enjoyed Unity, but that’s a discussion for another time.
I have to say, as the person who created that face you’re using as an icon, you have fantastic taste :D
I wouldn’t really say a “ton”. Animal Crossing is better now than it was then, sure, but the core hasn’t changed much at all over the years. Even online play doesn’t add a whole bunch.
I really liked this look at Moment 37. It didn’t rehash stuff fighting game fans like myself would expect to see from a video. We all knew it was an epic moment, but it was cool to hear about how it personally affected Daigo and Justin.
Nope. I didn’t play a build of it for TAY, just a personal side purchase. I own a Japanese Wii U, so I imported a copy. I think it’s a game that’s just overreaching in its ambition, and like so many games today, just demands too much time from the player.
Don’t worry, it’s not as good as everyone makes it out to be. Xenoblade is the prettiest game on Wii U, but its pacing hurts it.
Regardless, I think we can both agree the game looks awesome, regardless of what it evokes memories for us. It’s been a while since a JRPG grabbed me so quickly. It’ll be nice to see something that returns to pre-FFVII sensibilities.
The music is fantastic, but I definitely don’t get a Chrono Trigger vibe from it. It feels like something entirely different, and honestly I think it’s the music that differentiates it, because the attacks look very similar.
Oh man, as a fighting game fan I’m really hyped for this now. Moment 37 is probably the best way to show people the potential of fighting games.
Nice! Did you get Daigo as well as Justin for this?