
um, can we stop talking about how women look?

Larry Wilmore was so fucking weak. Like 3 funny jokes. Probably tied with Joel McHale as the biggest fail. Cecily Strong was 10x funnier and more biting.

I hear that he will be writing the script for an AIDS comedy next. Bug’s Life (H)IV.

I think there should be a movie about MLK fucking white women onthe down low. That’d be some funny shit. Get Dave Chapelle to star in it. Or an aids comedy, I think its about time. Like Sharknado, but with AIDS.

Wow, not only men were killed by aids, Jesus christ, this is jezebel.

Totally, I am all for an aids comedy too. Gay guys keep on fucking each other to death and don’t know why it’s happening. But It will be a comedy and funny. Funny moustachios, drag queens, etc. AIDS COMEDY 2016!!!!! ILLAPDEPLPHIA. And it can feature the monkey that was fucked to create aids in a cameo. good shit, bro.

Extremely Presidential of Obama. Truly would expect nothing more from an embattled World Leader.