
isn’t ramadan at a different time every year?

body shaming is wrong, mmkay?

awesome idea for an article, couple more weeks of this and gawker has the bankruptcy licked for sure

holy shit - unbelievable

janet is an enabler you sick fuck

way to paint a broad swath of people with the same brush.

yea, hillary clinton takes major donations from those countries too and doesn’t do anything about it

mostly white fucking men too. wtf

yea, another white male writer who wouldn’t even leave his wife a good bed. just what we need....

he should be deported to el salvador and they can deal with him

if someone’s skin was this color, would their skin be an ugly color?

you’re such a fucking racist it’s despicable

you find that type of thing “interesting”???? you are kind of sick.

he’s still totally fuckable...I’d do him, no questions asked.

yea, cus all us women wanna do is prepare cute snacks while our husbands are out wokring. /s

wow, what a white male bernie bro thing to say.

I feel like these women are actually just escaping the oppressive, patriarchal culture of native americans and then the native men are just making up these stories to cover up the fact that women are trying to escape while at the same time instilling fear into those younger women who want to escape i.e. “there’s a

hasn’t that already been done?

if you can’t articulate your position then maybe shut the fuck up you retard misogynist.

believe the victims you fucking woman hating piece of shit