Rage was a gem. I remember it getting me excited to try other titles that I had overlooked. Fun game - closest I felt to mad max game if you will.
Rage was a gem. I remember it getting me excited to try other titles that I had overlooked. Fun game - closest I felt to mad max game if you will.
lol - me too -10-13% happiness ratio - i have 18 vault dwellers - one lvl. 40 dweller “Col. Someone - “ an older grey haired man - i got in my first lunchbox!!
I’ve got a 1st upgrade double-wide h2o room - and 2 power rooms separated by the stairwell/elevators - one lab - one med bay room - but they keep going into…
tap a character at point A and listen for the *bop* and the green outline - drag then make sure you stop AT point B - release. :) HTH.
I lol’d.
Nope, he’s past that.
This time it’s personal.
havent played it yet. thanks for the spoilers tho.
A happy ending to what could have been a very, very bad day at the ballpark. :/
no baseball - lots of basketball - and I would catch it with the closest hand - i’m a righty - but can catch with left also - it’s reaction time reflex really. Muscle memory
I wear earbuds for all my gaming - If you set the audio menu to headphones - you get a pretty killer mix. It's ten thousand times more immersive than my tinny crappy little speakers on my led tv. I've been gaming with plain stereo headphones for almost 15 years now.
Incredibly well said...You sure you're on the right site? :)
As a life-long Ram fan - it makes perfect sense. Now let's ditch those ugly ass uni's and go back to L.A. WITH THE OLD SCHOOL COLORS!!!
well played sir...Well played. *tips cap*
oh Christ - is someone really bitching about these gifs?
and clearly common sense and decency is not reason alone to FUCKIN' CHANGE IT. #StayClassySanDiego
Yessss!!!!! Thank you for replying !! NICE AVATAR!! I can see your avatar a little better now - wow. Your contempt for homeless blacks is staggering. hahahhaha - oh my god. captain homeless...THAT'S SEW FUNNY!!!! FUCK HOMELESS PEOPLE - FUCK the poor - just....Awesome all around. You are an expert at the NBA but prob.…
captain homeless - oh my god that's so funny - wow - what an awesome handle. fuck homeless people they are HILARIOUS. fuck them and their problems. I have CABLE! ohmygerd. lol. you are a JENIUS. Wow. i'm dying. God I love White people and just how caring and sensitive we can be. captain homeless. that's hilarious.…