Lack self control on allll the fronts.
Lack self control on allll the fronts.
It’s like Gottlieb doesn’t have the business acumen to not say racist shit on a nationally syndicated radio show.
My daily prayer:
He should have said “slaves running the plantation,” but that only applies to college athletics.
In ZombiU, there’s a door that opens onto a fire escape. To your left is a broken ladder. If you descend, you can’t get back up. To your right is another door that leads to a sewer grate, which lets you go back to your safe house, but your view of it is obscured by the open door you just went through. I hoped to be…
Heres a nifty tip I learned years ago:
Do not buy AC games on launch day but wait for complete edition box to hit the stores
I thought it was named after Brady because it was dumb and pretty.
Since 2008? More like 1650
Well you know the old saying, Old Rich White Guys are Racist Assholes.
It seemed like a surefire hit: a Star Wars take on Uncharted, published by Electronic Arts and developed by the…
Soviet spies actually believed LBJ was behind the killing. Imagine all of today’s children looking at this and thinking LeBron James killed JFK.
From the Reading Comprehension Tees
Makes you wonder what he is willing to do when hundreds of people aren’t watching/listening. I hope she can find safety.
Fantastic Kinja with that hidden link attached to the period. +1
AJ was such a terrible fit. He couldn’t handle the increased scrutiny. And, that’s a legitimate skill! Not everyone can handle playing in a major media market like NY.
C’mon man. It’s a cash grab. They were in a car, designed for the track, racing around a public area. Leave it on the track and they would have been alive. Why? Because the car would not have passed an inspection by a track official.
Sorry, I learned all my Egyptian history from watching Stargate.
While being a huge is asshole, Lavar is literally a huge asshole. You ain’t punching anybody that’s 6'6" 320 lbs.
If violence isn’t solving your problem, you’re not using enough.
This why I can’t be a guidance counselor, cause I would have just gone to the white student and said, “now tell me. what have you learned?”