
Bunny Teeth Girl! <love her>

Take a bus, that doesn’t exist, doesn’t run in the area or takes over an hour to get to your destination, thus robbing you of a hour of sleep or personal time.

Take a bus. Live closer to work. Change careers/work.

The ruling class has no interest in teaching the disadvantaged how they are ripping them off.

Some of the smartest minds get ripped off.  We need to stop voting for people who let businesses get all the power.

Well done guys. Great article

I know freak accident’s happen. A US Navy F-4 Phantom on the USS Forestall experienced a power surge on the aircraft carriers deck and launched rockets into an A-4 Skyhawk that caused a chain reaction that killed 134 Fatalities and almost sunk the Forestall.

That technician now has more kills than 98% of the Belgian Air Force and will be an instructor at Belgian Top Gun Academy next year

Does the technician get to affix a little sticker of a fighter jet to the outside of his toolbox now?

I do the same thing in GTA when someone spawns another jet. Sky is mine. 

Now playing

Katt Williams is bi-polar (a family member via marriage told me) and he doesn’t take his medication. He had this spate of arrests in CA and was just randomly slapping people. So his mental health issues are probably exacerbated by illicit drug use. This is still one of my favorite openings to his show:

Getting beaten by a rigged game? Fair.
Beating a rigged game? Stop right there, criminal scum!  

The Irish, Italians & European Jews have officially passed the baton of hate to the new buffer races Asian, white Hispanics and mixed races that can pass.

So somebody can hurry up and transfer to get a better shot at playing football for money eventually. He shouldn’t get to hold a kid’s future hostage because he wants to hedge and have an awesome backup.

Okay, but why did it go to a dialtone when he hung up? Phones don’t do that. Did they add that for effect?

And what exactly are the examples, abundant as you claim they are, where tennis has been trying to hide Serena and get rid of her? Can you name them? If you can’t, you’re completely full of shit. She’s the highest honored, easily most exposed, richest, most decorated, face.....FACE of all of tennis since she’s been

Mush-mouthed hackneyed softball questions is a brand? Who knew?

Dude is taking the L really poorly and continuing to damage his “brand” just like he damaged so many women who worked for him while he was whoring around at good old PBS.

Sunset Orange looks so nice.