Damn that reaction really says it all.
Damn that reaction really says it all.
How else to make the show? You can either make a reality show cashing in on your relationship or end the relationship. You can’t really do both.
For real - what the everloving fuck?!?
Don’t go blaming the mother, now. Did they not have a father?
Agreed. DS2 is squarely in my top 10 of all time.
Omfg, “Turn games into a slot machine”.
It killed the “flow” of the game, since it was ingrained into the gameplay too much. The strange idea behind having to pick minerals, or whatever name they used (can’t really remember), seemed a little out of place.
or at least show us the Statue of Liberty at the end of the movie.
I always enjoyed the dark crystal / full house crossover episodes,
I’ve heard that a lot of Puerto Rican citizens are moving to Florida.
Fuck the rocket.
It knows what it did...
The call is coming from inside the urinal
Why do you hate the sun?
She spent 8 years scaring old white racists about the “evil black man in the White House”. Fuck her and NBC.
we have the guests. we have all the best guests. people are saying that.
Good. Working at Fox News SHOULD affect your career.
I loved SOT, it was goofy but very fun. Would recommend it if you get the chance