
Came into the comments for this. Thanks.

Excellent writing, especially for this Bostonian that moved away and can appreciate it in solitude.

Ugh Jalopnik why did you have to go off the deep end with such a ‘credible’ source? I was trying to ignore your Tesla bashing and focus on the cars. But this popped up as Trending unfortunately on my feed. Will be missed on my feed.

Picked up Jurassic Park. Thanks!

Picked up Jurassic Park. Thanks!

Both are examples of companies making cuts at the sake of human life. Both should be pursued.

Hybrid and/or Electric timeline?

Getting an S for $20k may be possible in 7 years when battery tech advances and all current EVs are left in the dust.

Cickbait title much Jalopnik? Please don’t go down that path, the human drove the car through.

Nah just always click worthy. Nobody cares about the non Teslas doing it multiple times a day.

It’s just one example. They may be referencing all pedals have this.

Don’t worry, the diesel emissions will kill us all the same. So where’s that hybrid with 30+?

That was painful to watch, I couldn’t even finish the video.

“they lived”

At least there’s adaptive cruise control which adapts for follow distances and getting cut off, just not obstacles.

Just throw in a third row already and stop making me look at tanks as an option for family SUVs.

Don’t you EVER put concept in an article without knowing 100%. You broke my heart but thankfully the comments mended it again.


There are. It’s just that fire departments will leave it to the specialists rather than do it themselves.

Why because human drivers are so much better? It’s a non argument as the driver is always responsible, no matter what fancy software/hardware you have.