

I unfortunately watched 3 minutes of this video.. And each subsequent minute was cringier than the last... Please dont do this to a good video.. Please!

I made it to 1:13, but that’s mostly because my sound output was to a disconnected bluetooth speaker for the first 40 seconds or so.

That ignorant bitch Nicole Arbour is the actual woooooorst. I was done with her when she posted that “Dear Fat People” video. She *would* do something like this to art.

I quit the internet forever. Goodbye.


Holy shit. We’re long lost internet brothers. You just described my life in your comment. So... good news... there’s a bunch of us running around out here on the internet. Bad news... we’re fucking broken.

That’s a hell of a game to get back on the wagon with, if you’re suffering from crippling depression.

Crippling depression combined with a pathological need to retreat into comfort zone games when I’m feeling down, on top of retail therapy. I’d rather put my thousandth hour into Skyrim, Fallout 3/NV/4, Minecraft, or UT 2K4 than actually try to engage something new. I was doing good back in 2016. I made goal to finish

So I only have to repeat the same heists for 40-50 hours to buy the 8 million dollar yacht? What a deal!

I’d rather have a paid expansion for single-player. Fuck the multiplayer, it’s full of hackers and trolls. But that’ll never happen, because R* is a dick. (The fact that they censor the name of the company in chat says it all.)