
There is one good Alien movie.
There are no bad movies in the Alien series.
There are two terrible moves in the AvP series.

Kind of. It was recorded on an iPad in their spare time while touring, but it was actually mixed and finished up in a studio. It's basically something they did on the side that grew to the point that it straddles the line between album and an EP or B side collection.

It's not really a full studio album (though it sort of is). I personally think of it as the closest thing we got to a P-Sides. It's good but nothing whatsoever like the previous three albums.

See I don't really mind Crazy Beat that much other than the actual 'Crazy Beat' bit. Which is nails on a chalkboard.

Great write-up. I have to be a bit of a dick though and say that Think Tank is my favourite Blur album, and Demon Days is my least favourite Gorillaz album (not counting The Fall, which I don't personally consider a full Gorillaz release). It's way too clean and poppy and feels out of place between the two messier,

Immigrant prick? Fucking hell…

I don't even get what part of that is meant to be a spoiler. They made a robot that looks (nothing) like John Connor? Or did they turn him into a robot? Because I didn't think that was possible.

I wouldn't say they're 'aiming' for 2015. They actually announced 2015 as the release window.

If they make it available in the UK, I don't give a fuck how much it costs.

That's not true at all. The quality of a book wont necessarily have any bearing on how a film turns out. Taking the basis for the story and giving it a talented director (like Fincher) or screenwriter can work wonders for a crappy novel. The idea that a film can't be better than its source material is laughable.

The books were awful, the Swedish movies were so-so but Fincher's movie was great.

That's just weird.

Asha's little adventure says otherwise.

They'd also have to ban American football. Which is fine.

a) That quote from GRRM is months old.
b) The publisher didn't say it's not coming in 2015. They don't know when it's coming because GRRM doesn't know when he'll be finished. If he finishes in time it'll still come this year. It probably wont, but neither quote rules it out in any way.

Give it five years to rest and David Fincher could make a great film if he made it mostly a Sarah Koenig character study. In the vein of Zodiac I guess.

It's nice to know that both the UK and US Apprentice bosses are equally terrible and childish.

Hell, they could try a new format altogether and release a book's worth of episodes (probably 2-3 hour long episodes per book) every few months, and keep it rolling like that for a year or two.

If you only care about Alien Isolation then I'd wait to see if it's any good, and then get it on PS4 if you're interested in maximising technical performance. Unless PC is an option, in which case PC.

Microsoft comes out with the news that they've bribed Squeenix. Sony comes out with a flood of brilliant looking new game announcements.