
The atmosphere of the first season brought on Matthew and Woody was awesome. I am now thinking more and more they made the writer Nic P better than what he actually is. Would not be the first time actors were able to pull that off.
Matthew and Woody are friends and had chemistry.

Well 3 shows in can safely say this season is 50% of what the first season was. OK but not going to be saying wow, that was great. Just OK and when you are seeking more than OK due to the previous season was great it is a bit of a letdown.

Hope you did not think it would end well for him. Poetic ending. He killed Jimmy and Jimmy's son killed him

HBO gave Winter the chance to end the show in a good way. HBO gave short notice and annoyed many in the past by just ending other series they had going.
Winter is going to have an ongoing relationship with HBO on another show in the making so life goes on.