
Still doesn't mean that every movie has to be like that. I think Force Awakens was great, but I don't want every movie to be like it either. There is no reason why different movies can't have different tones. It worked for the Alien franchise (at least 1 and 2) or the Star Trek movies. It would work even better for

The judge is punishing people for not taking the deal. Mostly because even the smallest argument delays his assembly line. The prosecutor is also greatly offended by this, as it creates real work for him.

Most cases never go to trial. If they did the system would collapse. People are regularly coerced into pleading guilty. They are threatened with high sentences and being offered seemingly lenient alternatives if they just don't make a fuss. But even probation can have very nasty consequences when you're poor.

I can see both sides here. Drama wise he just comes across as an asshole, which isn't that good.
But it can be seen as a good commentary on a legal system that doesn't care about justice. Where the main goal is merely locking people away and superficially following the rules. Where people only care about winning