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Also, who knew that "A" was so damn popular (and talented)! I love that he's handsome outside of his character.

It's pretty ambiguous since, like you said, we never do get a close-up.

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ReturnoftheNighthawks mentioned Dear White People downthread, so here's the trailer for anyone who hasn't seen it. Also, those who can afford to donate to getting this film fully made and into theaters, here you go: []

That and "Kinky-twisted Kraken" were my favorite lines.

Every time he was on screen I couldn't stop staring and trying to figure out what he did and why he did it. Not a fan, but whatever.

I love everyone's slight hair changes. Fred's hair is a bit different, longer perhaps. Jay's hair is longer. Nina has either braids or kinky twists, can't quite tell.

But this character isn't all that devoted to her job. She hates it, in fact.


Ooh, thanks I will try that. I have a pretty big tub of coconut oil in my fridge that needs to be put to use.

Bah, I guess the only thing that might help me is the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs. After reading that it has a slight shimmer I want to get it even more. I love shimmering in the light.

Yeah, I saw from the Google search that it seems to happen to a lot of dark-haired people regardless of race. I wonder if it just happens to some people regardless of hair color as well (if you are not a dark-haired person then it would answer that question as well!)

I'm Black, and I get these weird dots on my legs that are a shade or two darker than my own skin tone. My mom has it, too. I've noticed it on a lot of other Black women. I wonder if maybe I were to wax instead of shave my legs if that'd help. I don't know. A quick Google search tells me they are just visible hair

Actually, Jezebel posts plenty of news items so trying to use the tagline to support your argument just weakens your case. That may be the tag line but there are plenty of articles that show they talk about more than just "Celebrity, Sex, and Fashion".

I didn't know Fox News closed their comment section. Did they give a reason as to why?

How do you expect she died? I'm not familiar with her and her history.

Weird, I read it multiple times and missed the l every-time. Definitely familiar with Caribbean slang, however, with the two Jamaican parents and all.

Yeah, I couldn't make sense of that one either. I have no clue what gya is.

Yeah, Grumpy/Astrid was a weak episode. The one with Hansel and Gretel also. I shan't say anymore, but hopefully after you finish the season there's some article here that mentions Once Upon a Time again and we can gush about it (or complain about things, there's always some things worthy of complaint!) until our

I despised Doug Barry for so long, but I'm finally warming up to him. In his first month or so he seemed like he was trying too hard to pander to what he thought the Jezebel audience was and how "we think". His tone has become more natural now, though. Much more enjoyable.

His lips, though. Charming's lips are amazing.