
Probably depends on how the FEMA maps referenced his property. Assuming he’s right in his comments, he likely is not in a 100 year flood plain on a FEMA map (areas within such a flood plain are deemed to have a 1% chance per year or more of flooding). Lenders usually don’t require flood insurance if you’re not in a

I have 7 as well, but with 2 daily drivers (I’m counting the Missus’). Otherwise, your description is pretty much spot on.

If my aunt had nuts she’d be my uncle. What’s the worth of an 85 911 have to do with this?

I believe this to be a misspelling. Should be “fleeing for naught”. No, on second thought doesn’t help at all.

No casket but definitely in the same vicinity

Seems to me that if I’m a cop and I see a car that is not a hearse driving along with a casket strapped to the top of it, that is worth investigation. Clearly unusual. Beyond that, I’d just want to know WTF?

I agree - Hell No! I have some cars I could do this with, but why would I want some yahoo potentially driving the hell out of one of my babies? You might get someone that would respect the fact that its not their car and be gentle with it, but I suspect you’re more likely to get some people that don’t have ready

Looked like maybe there was no plate on the back either. If so, could be recently purchased - that little white square on front windshield may be the “temporary” they give you in California.

My takeaway from this is that an S class Mercedes is a damn tank. Look at the damage to that thing and how it kept going.

Keep calm and carry on in action there.

Lived in the Northeast for a while, DD is king there, developed a taste for it. To each his own.

Looks like it has an 8 track player in the dash. NP all the way.

Well, as long as he still arrive, everything is okay.

Good for you. If I could hook an IV up to my coffeemaker I would.

Hey there, don’t you be insulting the greatness that is Dunkin Donuts coffee. I’m guessing you’re a Starbucks “I like it burnt” sort of guy?

So much yellow. Its like looking into the sun.

Yeah, at that point you’ve pretty much moved over into straight out aggressiveness.

So for $12 large I can not one but two awful cars? CP

I fly to Seattle fairly regularly. Last trip, I took a cab from the airport to the hotel. Car is small, dirty and smells. Get to the hotel, whip out my credit card, driver doesn’t have a credit card reader. Have to find an ATM and withdraw cash to pay. Horrible experience all around. Uber cars come when you

There is no classy Kardashian. Argument solved.