
That sounds . . . dangerous.

I have to take issues with your last sentence. I think the cars that immediately followed the R129 are the best looking SLs since the Pagados. Once they revised the front end and raised it in 2009, not so much, but those 2003-2008 cars are, to me, beauties (full disclosure here, I’m biased, have one in the garage).

Came here to say this

Just tell your wife what I tell mine - “I don’t have to dance, I’m already married.”

I think you should be a post over.

Its amazing how much abuse / lack of maintenance some cars can take and still soldier on with.

Wow, brings back memories for me. My second car was this - a ‘79 4 banger Mustang, same color blue even. Bought it in high school (with my own money I might add) and was absolutely thrilled when I got it. In retrospect it was not a great car by any stretch, but my first car was an on its last legs ‘69 VW Bug, so this

Pinto? That explosion sound would scare the kid, thereby thwarting the basic premise of the design.

My kids are adults now, but we would have crawled on our hands and knees through broken glass for one of these things with #2.

Let’s see. In chronological order of acquisition (including the Wife’s cars and cars bought for my kids when they started driving - I bought ‘em so I think they should count):

You must need gallons of oil to get enough for 70 pistons to squirt into the crankshaft.

There is a difference buying a premium brand. The prices provide the dealer a potentially larger profit margin and people are more likely to utilize the dealer to perform maintenance services (we do), so they have more margin to provide a better customer experience.

I bought my teenage son a used Accord a few months back as his first car, got it from a local Honda dealer in California where I live. The negotiated price was fine, but when signing the papers I looked at the fees and taxes and there was a $250 charge for “Theft Insurance”. This was never discussed with or disclosed

It’s interesting to me that the study found these as traits of atheists:

A lot of older cars (by older, I mean really older - pre-1950 or so) have straight-cut gears as well, at least in the lower gears, and you hear the whine going forward as well.

I wavered on this one, but ultimately came down on your side. No, I don’t particularly like the engine choice, but let’s remember its a camper - you weren’t ever going to use this as to drive quickly anyway. All in all, its unique enought that I could see dropping somewhere around $17k for it, so NP.

I agree - there’s no right or wrong answer here. If you like driving a truck n a daily basis, and want that truck to be really nice, fine with me.

I own a daily driver and a pickup. I have the pickup because I like to woodwork - so I need to go get wood - and because its handy for all sorts of things. I also commute regularly to a job in a downtown metro area. Don’t want to daily drive a trcuk in stop and go traffic. Also just not that fun to drive quite

Depends on whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican. Self identify, then blame the other guy. Anything wrong in the US, possibly even the world, is their fault.

Oh boy you’re on you’re way. I also like woodworking, you can never have enough tools (especially clamps). As I say, I have more tools than talent, but I try.