
Oh look, an expert “It should matter she wasn’t even aware of what happened lololololol” excuser.

I could have sworn I read something saying she was a Republican... and pro-life? Or is that not correct too?

Argonian burglar fails his stealth check and must now kill the witness before the alarm is sounded.

Maybe this is her way of saying “Hey, assholes, I’m tired of talking about planned parenthood. Get off that dick before I start screwing around with your ability to buy guns.”

Coco and baby....

Sounds like they were both abusive to each other, and alcoholism likely plays a big part in that.

“Quickly! Quickly! Use the latest shooting tragedy to push this stuff through before people start paying attention again!”

If it were me I would definitely try and ascertain where my significant other was and if they were ok.. If I wasn’t able to locate them, I might consider that they’re in the bathroom with the burglar and in great danger, and thus that would be further motivation for me to NOT shoot through the door.

It’s either luck, or you may have an underlying condition that makes it difficult for fertilization to occur, or for a fertilized egg to attach/grow... Or your husband may have something going on with him that’s made him not so ‘effective’, or a combination of those possibilities.

Humans are, by design, one of the most fertile creatures on the planet. We don’t have a “breeding season” like most other animals do. nor does our cycle stop and start due to environmental conditions. We have 12 chances, or more, a year to fuck and make a baby, and those chances last several days. You would have to

“Oh hey, here’s a list of people that we think might be up to no good, but DON’T YOU DARE take away their guns before they can get up to no good!”

The whole “dribbles before he shoots” thing isn’t some freak of nature thing, and it’s exactly why the pull out method is NOT a good method to use. Pack any kind of fluid into a reservoir with a pressurized escape valve and there will always always ALWAYS be a chance that some might “leak through” during the

You should watch the Birds of Paradise documentary by David Attenborough, then apply the lines said by Sir David to some of the shenanigans going on in said clubs.

It wasn’t widely known unless you stumbled across something that he was... problematic. He said a lot of things a lot of people wanted to hear in public and kept his private life under tight control. He also used his fame and the fact that women who perform sex work of any kind are perceived as “asking for it” by

Outside of him arguing that the person behind the door had a high caliber weapon that they were prepping to shoot at him through the door with, I don’t see how he could have argued the whole “It was a burglar so I shot it!” defense to begin with.

Being an asshole is its own motive. They didn’t give a shit that their kid was going to grow up with no parents and have the legacy of being “the daughter of those terrorists that shot up a bunch of people who helped the disabled”.

I wonder if the motions are in some way similar to the sensations the baby felt in the womb when being carried by its mother. Seems logical, since most freakouts by infants are that they’re experiencing something for the very first time and can’t process it, so putting them back into a state where they’re reminded of

Such a great woman.

Given Netflix’s lackluster choices in content lately, I think the moment I see this dreg of a movie pop up in my listings, I’m canceling my subscription.

I’ll call them whatever they prefer to be called and not what I, someone uninvolved in the industry, should proclaim them to be depending on what my general opinion of that industry is.