My mom is a black woman who has to support her extended family who were thrown off welfare by policies Clinton supported in the 90s, so no, she doesn’t remind me of my mom.
My mom is a black woman who has to support her extended family who were thrown off welfare by policies Clinton supported in the 90s, so no, she doesn’t remind me of my mom.
I’m a stick in the mud, I know, but I kind of hate it when fandoms “decide” things about characters.
Cynical viewpoint (from someone who wishes like hell the Green Party was a viable option): she can’t come out and say vaccines are terrible because the science isn’t on her side and she’d never be taken seriously, but she can’t afford to say they’re not because she’d alienate the hippy granola crowd who are her base.…
You should just change the title of this series to “Terrible Overwatch Fanfic”.
Good to see you again Dom. +1
When white basketball players cut off their long hair, their ability to be good at basketball dies.
You guys didn’t find Jesus, you found Philly Jesus! He is a well known weirdo around town who gets arrested a lot. He can be kind of a dick sometimes and I hope people stop giving him attention.
Every American sports league would be improved if they embraced promotion and relegation.
LeBron James is a better overall basketball player than Michael Jordan.
I believe Tom Brady is a system quarterback
I believe Deadspin fired Will Gordon so they could sell Coors ads.
I believe Derek Jeter’s running catch and leap into the stands vs the Red Sox was totally overrated and not that great