
Jeff Davis' couch does the casting.

Why would you like that? It's literally 19 episodes of filler, such lazy writing.

Kira will be like 34 by the end of this show.

Scott would rather let good people die then to actually kill a bad person in self defense.

Nothing seems to be going on this season, hope it dies a horrible death.

Why would they have the same exact elevator scene twice? Whoever edited this episode failed big time.

None of that will get answered this season.

He's so ugly why would you call him a Greek god?

The initials wasn't throwing a bone, it was a big FU to sterek fans. You don't see it because you don't see sterek.

I'm a gay guy and I'm offended, thanks.

Please explain season 4 to me and how a computer was the benefactor. These writers don't care about this show.

If one episode a season dedicated to gay club scenes is considered representation then we have a problem, this isn't the 90s Jeff Davis, gays are people too.