
Probably, but thats why I asked because its a funny coincidence considering what the book claims and what the article is about.

My question was regarding the title of the article which is “Black Athena” and if that was a reference to the work. Nothing about the game itself. Of course the in-game model is no reference  to that, I never claimed that it was.

Dumb question but is the title “Black Athena” a deliberate reference to the work of Martin Bernal (aka the moron who claimed ancient Greeks were black without providing any evidence) or just a really funny coincidence?

Divinity: Original Sin 2 has cross-save between Steam and Switch. Its definitively possible but seemingly not very easy to do. Steam itself just doesnt have that type of feature built in.

You can blame Ubisoft for that. The setting of Watch Dogs is pretty bleak and scary. Pearce (thats the spelling btw) is a vigilante on a ruthless vendetta. Nothing about it should have been likable. Watch Dogs 1 should have shown Pearce as one of the villains not the hero.

Dont forget that the game was an epic exclusive for 12 months. So that means Nacon got paid before the release and THEN still tried to keep all the money for themselves, despite never really holding the rights to the game.

The game wasnt put on Origin by Nacon. So the publisher couldnt “claim” the sales from that page. The Origin version was self-published by Frogwares.

Honestly I wouldnt be suprised if the judge allows Fortnite to be blocked, but forces Apple to allow the Engine on the store. Not really taking sides, but also making sure that of the uninvolved devs arent hurt by this lawsuit.

Anyone noticed that Sweeney wrote “Apple is not willing to make the changes necessary to allow us to provide Android users” at the bottom? I guess he sent the same email to Google and just forgot to change the last Android to iOs lol.

Especially considering that Epic was on the other side of something like this not a long time ago. And back then Epic was really not a fan of this method. But now it suits their purpose and suddenly its a totally acceptable strategy.

I played the original Crysis not too long ago and honestly it still looks fine, so if you dont really care about the graphics, I dont see a reason to buy the remaster.

I think some people use the “launchers” for much more than just starting games, like social features or drm-free or trading cards whatever other features all these store nowadays have, and others just wanna keep all games in one place. So I guess its a personal preference for most, but honestly Im not gonna tell

Considering how expensive a production like Hitman 3 is and that IO is now independent, its probably also very much needed.

Yeah, I just got it, sorry for being such a huge idiot. I thought “one” should be put in.

The team name “Nice One Good Round,” spelled out, is a banal phrase one could hear or see during end-of-match chat. However when you make the name an acronym and substitute the number “1” for “one” you get a nasty racial slur.

Sure better store conditions would help them in the future no one questions this, but no offense, thats something totally different and not my point. Even if this leads to a better future, that future might take a while to become reality or might not happen at all. Right now, we have no idea what will be the outcome.

It really seems like that Apple only wants to remove the Unreal Engine just to punish Epic, but honestly I am not even surprised anymore, thats just the way Apple operates now. Ironically it will hurt developers much more than Epic.

In the end, it’s a fight between two multi-billion $ corporations, and while its outcome may have positive or negative effects on consumers, we shouldn’t get too invested in the discussion of fairness on this.”

I’m playing as Kassandra I don’t feel like she was supposed to be the lead character. She just feels like Alexios with a different skin and voice, if that makes sense.

Trump as shattered so many norms, I wouldnt even be suprised anymore if he tries to make mail-in ballot illegal via an executive order in December.