In Pokemon Yellow you can actually catch a Mankey that learns Low Kick pretty early before facing Brock. However its right at the start of Route 22, so I think a lot of people missed it.
In Pokemon Yellow you can actually catch a Mankey that learns Low Kick pretty early before facing Brock. However its right at the start of Route 22, so I think a lot of people missed it.
Also on Metacritic Life is Strange has a rating over 80 on all platforms (including user score). Doesn’t really make sense to include it, but tbf any type of internet list has at least one really weird entire that does not fit at all lol
Nexon filed a DMCA claim and after that Steam removed it because ignoring a DMCA claim can lead to a lot of problems in the future so any somewhat intelligent lawyer will advice you to just follow it.
Idk all these Editor/Mod-friendly “make your own game within this game” stuff is nice but never became as big of a hit as people say it would. Wasn’t “Dreams” or whatever it was called also supposed to start the “gamers make their own games now” wave?
Dear god Sweeney can’t anymore talk about anything without mentioning the 30% fee. He does have a point about it being way to high but he seems so obsessed with it you would think the fee bullied him in High school or that he sees himself as a Jobs/Musk type of messianic inventor.
Someone gave up an asset to acquire this player, after it was known what he did, because there could’ve been potential value on the court.
Expect this has nothing to do with Steam but with DMCA. Service providers that don’t follow DMCA “become” responsible for copyright violations.
When devs and pr talk about a game being “live service” and adding post launch stuff its always with the caveat “if it sells well enough”. Back 4 Blood atleast sold well enough to get content for over a year after launch. A lot of games dont manage to do that.
Depends on how much graphics and animations matter to you. The gameplay of course is also a bit more clunky in the original and the Remake has some QoL improvements, but nothing major the original has aged well everything considered. The original Dead Space on PC has to be played with a controller, the mouse input is…
I recently played the Uncharted series for the first time and don’t get me wrong the games were all entertaining and fun but its not really a franchise that has to be continued. Let Nathan and his family chill and not force them to “discover and destroy a hidden temple complex so that evil bad guy can’t use the powerfu…
The marketing department looked at the game and the reviews and decided that slapping words like “beautiful” and “fun” on screen was the best they could do.
I just looked this up and wow you are right what a shithead. Weird how everyone ignored that he is a shitty person while that FNAF developer guy got (rightfully) called out for his bs immediately once people saw it.
I feel like that’s a little misleading — at least, I was misled at first — because Steam does not require games to have DRM, and many games don’t, even if it doesn’t have a DRM-free policy like GOG.
I tried it and no offense but I honestly don’t see the appeal of having a launcher that will just launch the needed launcher for your games. You still have to use that original launcher to buy and play the game. Launching Galaxy so that it can launch Uplay for me or launching Uplay myself, that seriously isnt that…
The new Settlers is also in development hell, either because the developers dont understand what The Settlers is about or because Ubisoft demands it to be a shallow, watered down RTS.
When it comes to platforms, Square is always complicating things.
They will never shut up because people enjoy high society drama. And they absolutely love watching messy family shitshows because they can take sides and project their own family issues onto others.
DS2 regularly is 75% off on Steam basically during every big sale they have, a year ago it was even 90% off.
I played the original DS trilogy for the first time a few months ago and DS1 truly is a masterpiece, the atmosphere is amazing. DS2 basically improves every part of the gameplay. I highly recommend playing both with only a short break between them. Both are just tremendous.
Developers will always do crunch to repair the game no matter how chill fans are. Yeah sure people should be nicer, calmer and kind, but we all know people just arent like this, especially online.