Very interesting article Heather, thank you. Personally I try to play both the original and Remake version of a game to see what was changed and how different the games are.
Very interesting article Heather, thank you. Personally I try to play both the original and Remake version of a game to see what was changed and how different the games are.
“It’s one thing to run around a city street firing off MP40 rounds to win a scored match, divorced from any kind of wider strategic context”
Epic does offer security you normally don’t get in this industry, but lets not forget for many video game developers “probably set” often means “can make the next game with a similar/bigger budget and dont have to shut down” and not that they can easily survive their next game being a commercial failure. This industry…
“In addition, before Gearbox could receive any royalties from publisher 2K, Borderlands 3 would have to recoup not just the game’s entire budget (around $95 million) but also the budget for all of the downloadable content (for a sum closer to $140 million), thanks to a contract that the two companies had signed.”
Thats also a interesting point. The “bigger” Epic becomes the more likely other publishers will see them as a threat. I too guess Epic will first try to lock up well known indie studios, so that the “big guys” arent angry. Growing too big too fast might not be the smart for Epic.
“Epic publishing games for developers that they may or may not make EGS-exclusive on PC”
I really hate exclusives too, but they are sadly “part of the game”. But you are 100% right.
“And there is nothing wrong with that”
Honestly thought it was only a matter of time until Epic would start working as a publisher. Why create your own store without using it to publish? This whole “one year store exclusive” stuff would have limited Epic to a role like Valve. Not to mention that exclusive deals cost quite some money too. But with the Money…
I think this shows that Sanders is prepared to drop out soon. Why else would he tell Biden what questions he has before the debate?
They did sign an exclusive deal with epic, so the budget for DD2 is probably bigger than for the first one.
Dont buy Ubi games from Epic though, just buy them directly from Uplay if you can, because you can get a small discount (20%) there, and sometimes Uplay has even bigger discounts than on other stores.
Oh yes, lets have another shitshow were people keep repeating the same bs for the next five hours and insult people who have other opinions. Seriously the topic has been discussed to death already, can we please move on? If you are really just interested and not trolling, there have been thousand of discussion about…
So they really just killed a game because it wasnt gonna be ready for that fall 2020 hole? Man that sounds dumb.
Considering that GoG is anti-drm and the Epic store mostly only allows exclusives, Steam is for some devs the only option. Granted they could release it on but that site still isnt popular enough. And mantaining a game on multiple platforms can be pretty time consuming.
Rich white guy thinks he is incredible smart and has stupid things to say about politics. What a suprise. Rich white guys love to be “neutral observers of politics” because as long as the status quo remains, they stay rich.
Not sure a lot will change with this. Ghost had huge problems with Frostbite and Criterion most likely continues using it. But if they go back to the engine for Most Wanted 2012, they might manage to give us a great Nfs. But I honestly wonder if they can develop a new Nfs in time for EA (Ghost did one every two…
This reminds me of a timed events with special rewards I was trying to complete. I was struggling with a mission, looking up guides, trying out different methods and then it hit me that this game turned into work instead of fun, that I was playing it because I told myself I had to.
Jackie Ma in Sleeping Dogs. Poor guy.
Its available on Steam since December, but still in EA.