
Fandoms in general are just toxic as hell. Seems like people cant enjoy or love anything without going crazy.

Its still surreal that something like “swatting” is a normal thing nowadays.

Diablo 3 got so much better with Loot 2.0. I still dont get it why they stopped with Reaper of Souls. I would have loved another expansion.

And with Gamepass its cheaper than F76 too.

At this point the only thing that may save this is to put it on Steam, enable the Workshop and allow for players to have private session like in Conan Exiles and other games.

“sharp downward revision in the revenues expected from Ghost Recon Breakpoint, and, to a lesser extent, The Division 2.”

Sorry but I dont see the point of paying $13 a month right now with mod support still missing.Other MMOs and also Game Pass are cheaper and offer way more content.

Have you ever heard about Apotheon? The artstyle of that game is based on greek black figure pottery. The greek part of the trailer reminded my of that game.

Draymond was also criticized the new CBA, because it didnt do enough for the guys signing miminum deals.

That PS4 deal might have ended, or was just for the console version and not for a potential PC version. But unless the dev or Sony talks about it, we have no real clue.

Awesome! I remember they gave away Saints Row 2 away on both Steam and GoG a few years ago. I wonder if the owners of the original Game get it for free or get a discount.

Some time ago they gave away Grid 2 on Steam so I am gonna play that and after finding a key for The Last Remnant I am gonna start that one too.

“In this case, Riot clearly intends to remain neutral,”

“If player population and lootbox sales are low for the Halloween event, maybe that will at least give them pause.”

“The response from Blizzard shows that as soon as the messaging is out of the view of China, they don’t care about ‘political’ messaging.”

It makes sense. Fox uses this for their “see the other side is evil too” argument. Putin & Russia use the same strategy. When the NBA or Blizzard do something in the future that annoys Fox like supporting gay rights or speaking out against Trump in 2020, Fox will say “Remember how these companies support China

Its gonna be interesting to see how other companies are gonna deal with stuff like this in the future. I doubt they are gonna do the same thing as Blizzard. If you ask them right now, they will all support free speech and the protests because right now it has no effect on their business (or they just stay silent).

“That’s despite the fact that the Chinese company Tencent owns a whopping 40% stake in Epic”

The sad thing is:

I am shocked, shocked to find that Art Briles is breaking rules.