
I think new year resolutions can be a good moment for people to personally reflect and decide if they want to make any changes in their life’s. I don’t make any “resolutions,” per day but I set a couple goals. More like a bucket list for me. Like I want to go to E3.


Not any as basic as procreating. After air, water, food, and shelter it’s right there driving the majority of people.

Very few people have children “selfishly.” Celebrities, Duggers, people with mental health issues - those might be the case.

Yeah, but I’m not going to check someone’s twitter profile to make sure I’m calling them what they want to be called. Ain’t nobody got the time for that!

He’s a man who is gay, but goes by “her”, but he dresses as a man? Brb, I need to ponder this over...

A little shitting is good fer ya

I watched it, but only made it through because i was eating a baby cow.

His original intention is already a known quantity. It’s also quite clear that he sees developers suddenly backing away from his brain child and has moved to retract his originally expressed (and intentionally funded) ideals. It may be too little, too late. It’s one thing to take a stand and express open verbal

Mine was “Pluto Plarts on Charon” or “We smelt it Pluto Dealt it?”

The way I see it (based on my original playthrough in 2004 and trying it out again yesterday) is that the minute-to-minute gameplay is still pretty decent, but the story and characters are lacking. And that silly “conspiracy” involving the Pequod’s and Queequeg’s coffee shops is the epitome of the superficial nature

Don’t have kids unless you really, really want them. Having kids doesn’t make you a “grown up” any more than not having kids makes you childish.

Great idea. And as a bonus, they won’t need to pump water down the slide for lubrication. There will be plenty of vomit to slide around and keep everyone moving.

or going backwards. . .

My goodness, yes! I seriously gave it one mispronunciation of nuclear. The second time. I just gave up on the video.

I couldn’t watch the video after the person pronounced NUCLEAR wrong. Seriously what southern state education did you receive?

Hahaha, I totally just posted about how was this missing from the list. That song gives me the giggles every time I think about it or hear it.

Finish a sentence?

I want to believe...

Yeah, someone definitely pulled out of Pikachu and left the condom hanging out......