
Ohio has rehabs AND programs. Maybe that county doesn’t, but Ohio does. And instead of shaming addicts, how about we shame Ohio’s politicians for knowing that their state is in such upheaval in regards to drug use and yet they aren’t actively working their asses off to provide better treatment?

THIS. Motherfuckers say they want to help and raise awareness but have NO follow-through for addicts who might be reading the post, fucking sanctimonious assholes.

Missing from the FB post: links to resources people can call to report/help addicts, decency, empathy.

That’s fucked. Heroin is destroying lives and this is the response? Not advocating good rehab programs, not railing against a rehab industry that exists only to Hoover up government money by keeping people hooked for as long as possible and relapsing as often as possible...nope, let’s just post photos of people at