
I feel this way too, but said nitwits have quite a bit of power and have life changing decisions within their grasp. My challenge is converting the thinking to action. I'm doing what I can.

I forget which Repub senator said it a few years back, but he said the uninsured using the ER was essentially "health care." Like, he was trying to sell that as an option against Obamacare.

Also don't count out the upper middle class retirees who are educated. I have family in this category who voted for Trump - an uncle who is intelligent but who, sadly, is showing signs of dementia. He is all Fox news all the time now. Before his Fox news binges, he had more nuanced political views. I can't believe the

I think about this all the time ^

I'm here for Andrea Martin. She carries the show by far. I still get the impression Great News is trying to find its footing, and sometimes trying a little too hard. It's not as sharp as 30 Rock and to me feels more like the 90s show News Radio, but even that had a sharper edge with some of the jokes. Like Superstore,

He says every heroine on these Hallmark movies, her in particular, has huge eyes that they then accentuate with layers of eyeliner and mascara. Then he marvels in what small town do women where this much eye makeup? Do they wear this much going to school events and working in a florist shop? How do they scrape that

This is the best comment. LOL I am sharing this with my mom. We love to hate on these movies (though she actually watches them now)

Dean Cain does not get enough credit!

Even my elderly white uncle who is as conservative as they come has noted the lack of diversity in the casting. He also has *opinions* on Lacey Chabret and her eye makeup. The movies are worth it for his commentary alone.

It's reliable entertainment to avoid inevitable political squabbles with aging relatives.

Us 30 somethings need to keep it real for the younger set. Who else can make obscure references to Cop Rock?

Thanks; I read Vox quite a bit but often miss things.

I've been thinking this over; I'm still too upset to think totally rationally, but I know I don't want to be one of those people who holds a grudge over political ideals. I want to be able to love my family despite our differences. That said, I also will not let ignorance get a free pass. I will offer a counterpoint

I don't actually want that scenario but at least it would have been more balanced.

There are a lot of white man tears on Facebook posts today of people being called out for supporting racist and biogoted ideals by voting Trump. "But *I'm* not racist!" they keep saying. Most people believe they are not racist. They truly believe this. But when you support a candidate and defend their choices over and

Yes this; it goes both ways

Even House of Cards is difficult right now.

I hope one of Trump's advisors picks Jindal for volcano monitoring.

I'm at a zero fucks level at this point. I listened to 8 years of birth certificate conspiracy theories, give me at least one gotdamn week to not accept a narcissistic non-Emmy winning NBC reality show blowhard with no political experience as representing my country. Back of the line to anyone suggesting anything to