
Horrific is the right word, and you’re absolutely correct about the stereotypes meaning nothing. It’s a totally different landscape than a decade ago. My sister told me about how some town governments will send out emergency messages about bad batches, begging people to just not use for one day or to do it around

Bingo! And the Louisville clinic probably has a lot of southern Indiana patients. The only clinic I can think of in southern Indiana is in Bloomington, unless Columbus or Evansville have one. There are only 3 in Indianapolis, a metro area of nearly 2 million. Some folks in southwestern KY are within range of TN

As always, it’s really “Smaller government for me (and my cronies and largest donors), Larger government for thee.”

Oh yeah, Beshear told him the governor doesn’t have the power to do some shitty things he did — and the state government backed him up on that statement. So obviously Beshear is the one who is the problem!

OMG, I was just in a waiting room the other day, and a young woman - maybe late teens/early twenties - was sitting across from me. In comes this tall, obese older man whose presence I could since was trouble before he even opened his mouth. His equally mouth-breathing brother - decked out in camo - decided to sit

There’s a right-wing meme that regulations are bad for jobs and bad for the economy. (I mean meme as a viral idea, not a funny cat picture.) As the Bannon Administration goes about removing all regulations on everything, the rallying cry is MERR JERBS! The idea that cutting regulations leads to more jobs is

I know Wildcats fans who don’t have it in for UofL the way Bevin does!

He’s got a stupid campign of cutting regulations. He like sto brag abut how many “useless” regulations he’s cut this week/month/whatever, but he never actually lists what they were for. You have to do all the footwork of looking that up yourself, and it is EXHAUSTING. Also, he counts regulations that haven’t been

The GOP has a long list of people they can demonize. When they run out of abortion providers, LGBTQ+ people, black people, Muslims, and immigrants, they will find a new group to be their scapegoat.

He tried to fill the board of trustees with his own people, was told he didn’t have the authority to do so by the AG and then by the state courts, and promptly lost his shit. So since then he’s not only had the legislature GIVE HIM THAT AUTHORITY, he’s also been fucking over Louisville & UofL as hard as he can — among

Kentucky is one of the poorest states. There are women for whom simply paying for the procedure is too great a burden — never mind taking a few days to drive up to Cincy (assuming they can even get an appointment, since that clinic will be SLAMMED if Kentucky’s all closed), stay in a hotel during the damned “waiting

What’s the story behind Bevin’s hate hard on for U of L?

He and his Republican cronies already did that by ramming a “Right to Work” bill through in mere hours at the beginning of our latest session. This SOB is just checking the next item off his list. He won’t be happy until all of us non-rich people are properly oppressed, with no, or all-but-useless, health insurance

This is also the governor who is attempting to usurp much of the state attorney general’s (who is a Dem) powers for himself. I could go on about his misuse of power but I just get enraged.

Matt Bevin looks like the guy that showed up at the bar when it opened and is sweating vinegar by the time he starts incessantly talking your ear off about how his boss doesn’t know anything and his wife’s a bitch and Obama’s a Muslim yada yada yada yada...and won’t take your annoyed silence as a cue for him to shut

I’m 16 weeks postpartum and had a rough-as-hell pregnancy that led to atrophy and a bunch of weight loss. It was the worst time of my life. I had a rather uncomplicated vaginal birth. My stitches healed in a couple of weeks. I stopped bleeding in about 15 or 16 days. I only needed painkillers a few times and that

I don’t care what other people think of my post-baby body. Growing and birthing a human being is fucking bad-ass. I’m proud of my body, no matter what it looks like.

I am 31 and its so damn hard to make fucking friends as an adult!!!!

Ugh - I can relate to this so much. As someone who doesn’t have a lot of friends, I was really looking forward to having a kid and making parent friends.

But daycare parents are rude as hell and NOT friendly.

I have made one friend, and we also take the train to work together. My husband always tries to initiate plans