
Good thing all that fake news didn’t influence the election. So says zuckerberg.

No! This is so damn weird. I also can’t insert gifs. Which explains why I haven’t been seeing any from others.

What the hell...what happened to my ability to gif?!?!

Right?!? I may have just found a new coping skill.

Me either, after it comes out of the gate like that. And I mean, I watched Dexter, and hell, I’m still sticking with The Walking Dead for the time being. I can deal with some dark shit, but man.

Bulleit. It is even better after the disgustingness of Heaven’s Hill. I got the cheapest kind and it was $25, so not too bad.

I started rewatching True Blood before the election. I like watching battles against monsters that don’t actually exist.

I just tried to tap into my inner She-Ra and project an attitude of “come at me, I fucking dare you.” False bravado, but it got me through the moment. And of course keeping in mind that for every person who voted for Dipshit, at last one voted for Hillary. We’ve all got allies everywhere (some of us more than others,

Honestly, I’ve noticed its men and women who have fertility problems. I certainly don’t mean that to sound flip or offend anyone here who may be struggling with that, because god knows I have a shit ton of people in my life who are in that boat, but the most vocal women on FB about it have had to do Clomid, IUI, IVF,

My son was encouraging my daughter to spit on the floor. I was definitely making it clear that it wasn’t cool. My daughter also demands bandaids for fake, invisible wounds. I have never screamed like an utter fucking lunatic in my life the way I have since my kids got old enough to ignore me and do what the fuck they

If it makes you feel better, mine instigate each other so if you’ve only got one you might be in better shape.

I noticed that! No clue what it means. I don’t have it. I’ve seen some people who are grey who have it and obviously you aren’t grey and you do...and this is the first day I’ve ever noticed it.

I’m just ready to point and laugh. I mean, it will probably be between crying jags, but the asshole I went to high school with who turned into Defender of the Unborn during the election? Wish I could see his face when Trump starts saying what, I’ve always been prochoice.

Sorry! It’s Bulleit.

Lol, I am not allergic to nuts (thank god, because I’ve been eating the shit out of white chocolate pb cups). But obviously I should try Nutella—you’re not the first to tell me so!

I try to stay away for the most part when it comes to actually engaging. I’ll post articles but I rarely comment on other people’s stuff unless I agree.

I can’t count the number of times my husband and I said things like, “oh. No. oh god no. No.”

I felt the same at first, but now I won’t shut the fuck up. ;) welcome to commenting!

What the fuck. Fuck her.

*sigh* I’ve been so fucking conflicted about signing up to be an escort. I have times I want to so bad, but then I think about violence directed at clinics and how it’s likely to increase, and then I think about my kids and worry about what would happen to them if something happened to me. Then I feel guilty because I