
One of the most interesting things about seeing the maps was seeing that the cities are all clearly left-leaning. The rural idiots living in BFE who have probably never seen a black person or Mexican in real life fucked us all. My city went 65/35 for Clinton. State went red, as it always does.

I think it’s likely. I’m a therapist and I work with adults (some of whom have been freaked out too) and my colleague who sees the kids said a lot of them have expressed concern throughout this election cycle about friends being deported. It’s severely fucked up.

Pence might be slightly better. I’m most worried about his crazy as fuck stances toward abortion and lgbt rights/equality, especially if he nominates for the sc. So my fervent prayers have been for every bastard on that court right now to hold on to life until January 20, 2021, and then they can drop like flies after


The thought has crossed my mind, but then we get pence.

Please don’t leave without me. Give me a day’s notice and I’ll be in New York State.

I said this to my husband last night. W. Was problematic. I wasn’t fans of McCain or Romney, but even with George W Bush, I felt like he seemed like a good person with good intentions. Same with the others—we had myriad fundamental disagreements and I did not want them to be elected. But Trump is a different ballgame.

Ugh. I don’t know what’s worse at this point—the gloaters or the ones calling for unity, especially the head piece of shit.

Thank you. Please do. I was watching NBC Nightly News last night and their last story was “get to know the new first family.” I’m wonder how long it’s going to be before I can see shit like that, talking about how he’s moving into the fucking White House and bringing his shitty family with him, without my gag reflex

We need to have a public service announcement campaign. Not that the white guys who believe this will listen, but you know.

Side note: anyone else have those few guys you went to high school with who were douchey pieces of shit and you’re like hey, everyone can grow and mature and so you accepted their friend request on Facebook? They are exactly who you always knew they were, aren’t they?

I saw a white farmer from Michigan talking about how obama’s policies have left him behind. It pisses me the fuck off that white boys can’t seem to figure out that they haven’t fallen behind—women and POCs and LGBT people and other marginalized groups have gained ground they should have had all along. People gaining

I feel a little better today. Ready to get organized. But yesterday I felt like I had been repeatedly doused in gasoline, set on fire, extinguished, run over by a Mack truck, and punched in the stomach twelve times in a row.

Hold the phone—Mitch Fuckwad McConnell doesn’t want term limits? Color me shocked.

We have to start showing up. We have to put ourselves on the front lines of fight for equality in BLM, in LGBTQ issues, immigration issues, etc. we can’t sit back with our whiteness and say that we hope our friends in minority communities make it through intact. We have to sit behind them, allowing them to speak for

I think I meet each of those demographics and I voted for Hillary. I live in Kentucky—the first one they called for Trump. I’m so ashamed of the white women vote but i echo you in not knowing what else to do. I tried. I have only one vote. I am appalled that white people clung so hard to our privilege today. I am a

The irrational hatred for Hillary cannot be overstated. Leftover misogyny from the 90s coming to bite us all in the collective ass.

Kentuckian here. We sent Rand Fucking Paul back to the senate and he was beating that drum about changing Washington. Which Washington, Rand? The one you’ve been in for six years, except for all that time you were running for president? That one? I mean, at least be consistent in your stupidity, people.

I saw a video of Netanyahu congratulating Trump and saying he looks forward to working with him. I had the irrational impulse to yell at my phone, “HE IS ANTI-SEMITIC AS FUCK, YOU DIPSHIT!!”

Yep. I told my husband it’s not Trump. It’s that he is a racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic monster and for so many people—so many people that I might actually believe are good people—that was not an automatic disqualification for being president.