
She's not in The Interview. She's in American Hustle, with Bradley Cooper. I mentioned this in the second paragraph—emails from the hack show that she was paid way less than her male co-stars and male director. This was a huge news story when it broke. This is what they want to ask her about.

All this shows me is that Meredith's mind is easily blown.

I'm not sure this qualifies as "mind blowing." Sure, good creative idea, but stellar, genius story making? No.

Pitch Perfect. If I ever taught a class on paradigmatic Hollywood screenplay structure, this would be the top of my list. COME AT ME BRO

Thank God no Nolan films on this list.

So how do you think he was injured on the back of his neck? I'm not understanding. Wilson turned his back to the person that looked like a demon and just punched him in the face. Help me out. Was Michael Brown in the police car, got out, ran, turned around, walked back towards Wilson & was shot.

Sheesh, could you put a trigger warning for these pics?! That's too gruesome for a monday night!!

they will have to go back to investigating and actual reporting

Shit, I look worse when I use my St Ives sensitive skin exfoliator.

My fave was Roxanne Gay: "I've had more bruising after a night of gentle lovemaking."

Since when is it ok to kill people for evading arrest?

Let's just say that you are 100% right, this isn't a real photo, Mike Brown was a punk, and I'm just a schmuck. Even if all that were true, last I checked, hitting someone, resisting arrest, and theft were not capital punishment crimes—not even if it was all done at the same time....and apparently neither is being a

The KKK is in Ferguson and they are celebrating, i just feel sick about how much support Darren Wilson has in the US and has received around $400,000 in donations, get it together Amerikkka.

This is my new favorite gif.

So that widdle boo-boo merited a summary execution? Hell no, grand jury. Hell no.

I really want to see some evidence that makes me understand the verdict. This isn't it. My daughter has similar birth marks on the back of her neck. We called them collectively, a Stork Bite.

yeah, my thought was "rosacia?" wow.

Um, it looks like he vigorously used a Clarisonic brush on his cheek. And, hell... not even that vigorously. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

2, 4, 6, 8,

So how long until his shitty paintings of the American Flag hit ebay?