Stephen Webb

How was it not clear that it was unmanned?

Wrong! The 240z is not a hipster car nor is it a car for hipsters. I’ve never seen a hipster drive a sports car but if they did they might go for one of the more bloated 280z’s instead. This car, the 240z is a car for connoisseurs.

Lmao that’s awsome

Is that Ronald Reagan?

Dude thank you for posting those pics. I was getting agitated watching the video because I just wanted to see the car. Well worth it. KICK ASS RIDE!

I wouldn’t put my real name on this garbage either. Once again the world of shallow thinkers weighs in on something way to complex for their simple minds. We’re not going to be arming teachers so why bother to debate that. But we should have someone or multiple someone’s who are trained properly and arm them. Gun Free

Or if you really want to be smart and just eliminate the issue all together you can get those grills that insert in the gutter to block leaves from settling in there.


Before you start you could fix the title.

I understand, thanks for the explanation

I’m not sure that’s even possible. Was it used? Canadians can’t buy NEW cars in the U.S. and bring them back to Canada.

Top post of the year! Thanks man this gave me a good laugh.


Lol nobody truly fits in the back of a Stang

That’s why there are instructions on shampoo bottles.

Not a sports car!

Top Gear hated the stock one. Most people do because it's garbage. But some such as you were able to see the beauty of this car and hopefully you've unleashed it. Other wise yes it's garbage.

Except it's not a sports car.

Just do the right thing! Its not hard.

Do you guys ever see or work with the UK guys?