C class was never part of the "Classic " Muscle Car recipe. You can call it whatever you want but it will never be a Muscle Car. I'm sure it handles too well anyways.
C class was never part of the "Classic " Muscle Car recipe. You can call it whatever you want but it will never be a Muscle Car. I'm sure it handles too well anyways.
Why do we care about this guy again? He did something wrong right? Don't all politicians? Good for him though. Politics is no way to make a living.
I'm calling B.S. Can't be used for parts? Cmon there's plenty of parts that can be used that water has very little effect on. This is just plain wasteful and ignorant.
Besides the potential to really look nice especially choosing plants that fit your style they do a number of important things. Filter out harmful toxins from all your material goods, Take in carbon dioxide and spit out oxogen. Can help to keep moisture in the air through dry winters. I'm sure there's more.
LMAO Ladies wouldnt like this thing. Guys dont even like this thing. Nobody likes this thing. Even still I might want one if it was truely an offroad machine but since its not whats the point?
I get the collector value of a Vette like this for some but in my opinion its trash. It was a mistake by GM that was later corrected.
Oh I didn't know that. I was just baseing my opinion on the Sonic mainly because of its looks. I drove most of the cars in that segment a couple years ago and none of them really impressed me more than the next. I ended up getting the new Accent so what do I know? MPG calculations inflated, transmission replacement…
If we get it will it replace the awful Sonic?
I boycotted apostrophes years ago. Youre ,,I,, lol
Hahaha very well done! Yeah people if your key ring looks anything like this you could cause problems regardless of the car you drive.
Forget the fact that Jimmy cant fill his tires with air. I cant believe this guy said you have to lower your pressure to drive on the beach. I cant shake my head in disbelief enough.
Ummmm yeah. Its been my experience that the truck drivers themselves are usually the safest of the bunch. Its all those driving around them that have no idea what it really means to be a safe driver.
What i find hilarious is that this isnt anything new. Its always been recommended to not hang a bunch of crap from your key rings.
So where exactly does this $1.2 Billion go?
Awesome job Thorin! This is a prime example of why I love Lifehacker.
Wow this guy turned into such a dick since the days of His Gangum Style Video
What does aerodynamics have anything to do with 0-60 times?
Did you use your left hand?
Its possible you were beat to the punch had you refreshed it may have reflected that.