
Lawyers win cases because the law is on their side. The legislature writes the laws. Its a don’t hate the player hate the game scenario. Univision understands this and cut their losses. We all know what is right here but if you don’t like the outcome your only rebellion is to change the LAW.

Naw dude, you need to have your esophagus stretched if you're hacking up food chunks. It's a simple procedure where they put you under, put a balloon down your esophagus, and inflate the balloon, thus stretching your esophagus. You're in and out in a couple hours, and there is no pain. I had it done when I was in my

Naw dude, you need to have your esophagus stretched if you're hacking up food chunks. It's a simple procedure where they put you under, put a balloon down your esophagus, and inflate the balloon, thus stretching your esophagus. You're in and out in a couple hours, and there is no pain. I had it done when I was in my

Thank you so much. The world needed this.

Swanky restaurant folk don't use "Homemade" cuz pretentious ass-hat customers call us out on it. It goes down something like this:

This grill is the best grill. Charcoal with propane start, it goes from 0-500+ in 30-40 minutes. Perfect for burgers or smoking brisket & pork butts all day.