
Several bystanders tried to stop the car when they noticed it rolling down the hill toward the pond

Ban England

I’m no engineer, but I think I have a solution for this problem...

Wait, so England has regular roads that are under water part of the time? Or was there some weather event beyond the regular tide causing this?

Seriously. Shame on Koenigsegg. They picked this guy to be a One:1 owner? I wonder if this will cause a scandal in Sweden.

the real question is how does this turd have these super limited-edition cars? from what I understand, these companies “carefully curate” who recieves them.

Obviously awesome cars, but I don’t see much beyond just buying the most expensive cars possible. No imagination.

I hope this doesnt mean hes not sending my money.

Who’s the idiot now?!

I would pay good money to see a racing series in which you could use these on your opponents.

Won’t work on Toyotas. No clearance to slide the net to the wheels since the cars are grounded to the ground.

Not that being dead ever stopped Chicago residents from participating in the electoral process.

You know who didn’t fucking do this? White Sox fans, after 88 years. We had some dead family members too but didn’t caterwaul about it endlessly.

On the bright side, they missed out on this election too

I am going to come out and say it, I love it. It is stupid, wrong, and dirty.

Just say no to chrome rims...america

Sounds more like we need more pipelines. Having 100 million drivers rely on a single point of failure for fuel delivery seems like a major issue.

Blame Jeremy Clarkson. He’s the one who started calling them “flappy paddles” in the early 2000's on Top Gear. It doesn’t take long for one of the most popular TV celebrities the in the World to say something that catches on.