Pet odors, stinky shoes, mildewed wet laundry, and your everyday household odors: A spray of Febreze might not be…
Pet odors, stinky shoes, mildewed wet laundry, and your everyday household odors: A spray of Febreze might not be…
We've killed a lot of things in a lot of video games over the years. But not all video game deaths were created…
Ever since Shadow of Mordor came out, many gamers have taken to its unique brand of orc-killing with a gusto.…
On the occasion of Kotaku's 10th anniversary earlier this month, I'd like to tell you all about a big change…
If you were looking forward to using the GameCube controller with any Wii U game other than the new Super Smash…
We normally think of game ratings as little more than a useful marker of where we'll be able to buy a game, or…
The original Bayonetta was touted as “non-stop climax action.” But that tag line fits the sequel even better, as Ba…
If you've played Ninja Gaiden II, you know that it's a game that's pretty tough on its third-hardest Mentor…
The vast majority of big city train stations in Japan don't look scary. That is, unless you are afraid of crowds.…
The fiction is there, in other words. But it's not essential. The textual plot-points are not the "story" that matters here. Sauron, Gollum, and any other Lord of The Rings staple cast members aren't the most important characters in turn. The game is about you and your unique cast of orcs—how you challenge one…
Hyrule Warriors is the opposite of a Zelda game.
Sims are much harder to kill in The Sims 4, the latest edition of EA's famous people simulator. Oh, but they can…
Don't you hate how bags of potato chips are really bags of air? Some college students decided to do something…
What's wrong with dog food? Can't we just feed our four-legged friends dog food? No, it seems, we cannot. Enter…
Virtual reality has so many applications beyond just games and boob grabbing simulators — you can also use it to…
The fall is usually a time for people plow through the latest and greatest games. This year, however, I've also been …
Wasteland 2 comes out today, and the question on many an OG CRPG gamer's mind is: "How does it compare to Fallout?" I…
Australian Jack Cooksey was the first person in Perth to get a new iPhone, making him one of the first people in the …
I think that's a big part of it. "Skill" and competition is a weird thing for a Nintendo game like Mario Kart though—at least for me. I love this game, but much of what I love is that even when the going gets rough, it still ends up feeling...lighthearted in a way that many competitive online games don't.
Goat Simulator, the best game we've played about being a goat, is now available on iOS and Android for $4.99. Developer Armin Ibrisagic promises that it has "all the bugs from the PC version."