
In both games (Pushmo and Crashmo; can't speak for Pushmo World), most of the puzzles can be boiled down to a couple of key concepts that are applied in remarkably similar ways, especially in Crashmo. Yeah, you could argue that you're just pushing and pulling blocks all the time,! You'll probably start to

Well, not necessarily. The art style in the manga is inherently evocative; even though the characters themselves may "look like Barbies," the illustrations of movements and reactions breathe life into the protagonists as relatable people and accentuate the gnarled, skeletal frames of sinister antagonists. On the

Maybe that's the perfect distraction for patients with distended colons.

Next project: Dr. Mario shirt for hospital patients.

Also, behold the nineties...

And paradoxically, the new transformation takes longer. The younger generations nowadays have their priorities confused.

I am not ashamed to say that I've been watching the side-by-side comparison and becoming absolutely livid for about five minutes now.

"We all need a new angle on life."
