Stephen Daugherty

I saw this first when I was just a kid. I guess when you're that age, you don't question why something is, you just accept it as kind of the way things are. Having read the novel since, seen the Sci-Fi Channel adaptation (made back before they took their swerve into the land of Sharknado), I'd say while the second

Because it's all spoiled. It's been spoiled for almost as long as I've been alive. Manhunter, the first adaptation, was made when I was just a kid. In a way, this is just the canonical end of things.

I think the disability (loss of one arm), and the attempted murder of Frederick Chilton (even despite the fact that Hannibal hypnotized her into that reaction, or because of it) likely ended the Chlumsky character's career.

It's pretty much the Red Dragon story at this point. Clarice isn't out of the academy at this point… maybe not even in it yet.

I believe they actually confirmed that was a Dollarhyde scene.

It only started to glow when he described it as such…this is her imagining the tiger, in part…

Canonically, he survives to the end of Silence of the Lambs. That's when Hannibal tells us he's going to have an old friend for dinner…

Actually, no, I recall a certain redhead we all love mentioned.

Until we see the next episodes and her reaction and following plans, we don't know what the rape does to the character. It doesn't have to be one character or the other.

Ehhhh… No. See, it's actually canon that Will got virtually gutted by Hannibal before Hannibal got caught. Plus, you need him for Red Dragon.

Well, I think that's a good starting point, as Verger demonstrated.

One knows that those kinds of fears feed on themselves.

You must face your anxieties about them.

Actually, I think they hinted at that when he was talking about how he got out of something with a whole lot of community service. I think he restrains himself now out of a sense of self-preservation.

There's a certain sickening sense to it, the way Hydra uses the fear of both Hydra and Shield and the promise of bringing order out of chaos to sell the military on its own subversion.

He was doing undercover work. He killed the man in self-defense, then used him as a means to get past Hannibal's defenses.

You know, the beautiful thing about the MCU IS having these shows competently done, as opposed to the way some people do them.

Actually, I think they have the rights to that, so Dollarhyde won't be the problem. It's stuff from Silence of the Lambs they have the clearance issues with. Hopefully the rights holders will be good sports and let Fuller use those characters.

No, dire wolves actually did exist, and were larger versions of the critters we know.

See, that all depends on whether he really ever expected anybody to look there. Skye only goes looking there because she has Koenig's locator pad. The penny was a precaution.