Stephen Crow

If you ordered something full of onions even though you don’t like onions, then why order it?

Now playing

This was always my favourite from Killer 7, stayed in the corridor where it played for much longer than required...

I bought the soundtrack so I could listen to it again and again and I’m not ashamed to admit it still gets me feeling them emotions!

The music in this game is equally epic, particularly the track that plays over ending E.
There aren’t many games that have left me feeling that I’ve actually achieved something in completing them, but Nier Automata did and I’ll always treasure it for that reason.

Either the wrestler or rapper would be entertaining!

Caine. No relation of Big Daddy!

So you'd give anyone else a machete, just not mental patients? Cheers.

I'm probably being dumb or misunderstanding meaning of populist. I was thinking more of the content/themes of book & film not appealing to the masses. I loved both and am saddened at the drop in quality of Chuck's more recent books (IMO) but when I think of populist, it's the mainstream media and safe politics that

Was / Is Fight Club populist?

In the minority but didn't enjoy this episode. Felt it dragged on, took too long to build up any steam and was disappointed that it had a happy ending.

I'm all for calling out racism but that's another word that has had its meaning wrongly understood. Don't use it much in conversation myself mind you!

So why do you feel it necessary to adjust if, as you say, it's not contextually racist?

I don't think Sam is a eunuch, may have taken a vow of celibacy (possibility regrettably) to join the watch though. Don't mind him as a character, find the Stark family cull more tiring and that's not the fault of the TV show but book writer!

How many minutes of dialogue did people of colour get in the Godfather films? How many minutes of dialogue did white people get in Boyz in the Hood?

I really thought that was David Soul playing the jeweller. It wasn't.

Experience was Prodigy's first album and Music for the Jilted Generation their second. Or did you mean you liked both albums but not Fat of the Land? (Firestarter and Smack my @#!$! Up were pretty awesome tunes imo)

Not sure if my eyes & memory were playing tricks on me, but were criminals posted up on the wanted posters making cameo appearances during this episode?
Edit: Refreshed page shows it wasn't just me.

Completely agree with you about the glaring absence of any non-white, non-christian characters, although it's taken me to the end of episode 8 to put my finger on what was troubling me about this show. (Hence why I'm only commenting now!)
I can't think of any other programmes that are so one dimensional in terms of