stephen Weber

Trump says jump , you sing “How high?”. Trump says believe in the darkness that kneeling is disrespectful, you write a song supporting that evil thought.

All of the humanity since we crawled out of the primordial slime, or for those who argue sentience is humanity since 7500 years ago, when we gained the insight of religion, kneeling is universally accepted across the board as a sign of showing respect (or at the worst submission) but it is laughable never been a sign

It is a human fact that the position of kneeling is universally accepted as the most respect that a human can Show by the pose that they take then any other. And people continue to argue that kneeling is disrespectful. The decorum during the anthem is at a “minimum” that people should stand. There is nothing inhuman

The minimum decorum that citizens should show for the national anthem is to stand. But since the act of kneeling is universally known and accepted as the most respectful position that a human can take, it should not itself be called disrespecting the flag. To those that want to claim that this is disrespecful, their

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