Someone reply to me XD since making a new kinja/kotaku/gawker/disqus account for here i’ve not had any favourites, replies or notifications >_<
Someone reply to me XD since making a new kinja/kotaku/gawker/disqus account for here i’ve not had any favourites, replies or notifications >_<
Although not true for ALL ‘professional cosplayers’, I understand what you mean.
I actually like it more now, because of all the hate its getting.
Still depends on final evolutions and secondary types though :P
Is this the 3DS 2.0 ? The upgraded ones.
And any mention of UK / EU release ?
I skipped half of that coz im tired and got excited, but does that mean john snow is the mad kings son? ned covered for him saying its his so he would not be targetted by heir/king killers O_O
Great now i want to play Pokemon again, i’m already having trouble finishing off these other gazillion games i started, and the other 600,000 on my to-play list.