
Maybe the sub-Cockle area. Maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys, maybe even in the colon.

I haven’t heard that album in 20 years but it’s still glued to my long-term memory.

Wouldn’t the 21st century update of gigolo essentially be “fuckboy”?

This is a game I’m really looking forward to getting once it drops to that $20 sweet-spot. It looks really fun, but just not “ I need this right now and should be irresponsible and spend $60 on a game” fun.

Shout out to the amazing view this person has outside his residence.

please, he’s one of the most genuine people in Washington. granted that’s a low bar, but he’d clear even the highest bars of that measure.

I see your turbo boost and raise you Super Pursuit Mode.

I’m glad you asked. It is $1,530,000.

You're spending more than that to keep your system relevant. There's plenty of free games on my Xbox one. Keep trying troll!

Have you played The Last of Us?

I would do horrible things to get a new State of Emergency. That was one of my favorite Ps2 games, and I’d love to see what they would do with the art style with today’s tech. It would have to remain cartoonish and silly because of how gleefully violent it is.

I still consider Manhunt one of the best survival horror games ever made. The atmosphere in that game is intense, and the climatic segment against Piggsy is as good as any Tyrant fight in RE.

People who claim that Manhunt is an “empty vessel of violence” have never played Manhunt. The best part of the game was the creepy-as-fuck story that decried violence instead of celebrating it.

I never understood why Rockstar stopped making more Manhunt games after 2. I know they’re controversial, but I just wanna know why Rockstar stopped doing them.

I honestly don’t get half the point, and what’s with all these super-clickbaity articles all of a sudden?

The real irony here is that your comment has about as much substance as the entire article... the major difference being that Mr Hamilton has put a lot of effort in to couching subjective value judgments as objective criticism.

me too, in fact I like everything about this game, I can even overlook the current performance problems and glitches, this game is just THAT amazing

Oh no! How dare a videogame require more skill than grinding!

No. When you reach level 20 you stop gaining exp levels. to increase your level beyond that you must acquire and upgrade gear.
also welcome out from under what ever rock you have been under for the past year. :p

Sure, laugh now. We’ll see who’s grinning when Warner’s Nigerian prince wire transfer drops.

Milk of Amnesia?