
I think the obvious answer and the one that the author is looking for is the fact in the future where a short response would do should be immediately and enthusiastically video conferenced to make sure that any non-certainty can be addressed.  I've often heard how Millenials love to spend tons of time in direct,

I just figured they were huge Greatest American Hero fans. That slice pattern kind of looks like the logo if you rotate it.

I’m a little surprised Looper didn’t make your list.  The special effects in that movie were used pretty sparingly, as far as I remember.

And can we all agree that Hurk is the worst damned sidekick ever?  I’ve been grinding out the 40 kill thing with everyone having finished the game, and if I had a dollar for every time I screamed at the TV because Hurk was just standing there like an idiot after having targeted someone with him, I’d have ten copies of

Shocking that an Indian CEO is embracing a corporate sponsored caste system.

Do you like your 40 hour work week?  Unions.  How about overtime pay?  Also unions.  Ever heard of the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?  The reason shit like that doesn’t happen anymore is unions.  Buying into union demonization is exactly what companies want you to do.  

I’m sure that one would be much more well received than Chasing Ani.

It’s definitely been done before. Google The House on the Rock sometime.

Or you could just call it slashfic and say that you want to watch them fuck. It would probably have been more succinct.

If only someone would make us great again...

I’m pretty sure your phone is already a full-fledged bugging device.

If you want a wealth of idiotic quotes from execs, just find any transcript from a stockholder’s meeting for just about any corporation. I have friends that do transcription and some of the things that get said at stockholder meetings are jaw-dropping.

Stop the bleeding, apply superglue. And no, I’m not joking. Superglue is a pretty common field dressing tool.

If I find out in the patent application that this thing is creating photoshopped versions of my captured face and then sticking a simulated dick in my mouth, I’m gonna burn this mother down.

Worthless if it’s not a Blaupunkt. ;)

Will this make America great again?

Good lord. Multiple saves are a thing. Let me play my tiny violin for you.

How to get stabbed in the South in one easy step. Goddamn...

It’d be sweet if someone at some point would point out that this is being billed as a sequel, not a remake.

You write an article about games with hideous load times and don’t mention Final Fantasy XV? Opportunity missed... The load times in that game were ridiculous. My roommate and I used to bitterly joke about “fast travel” in that game.