
People give BMW drivers shit for not using their turn signals, but the number of Kia, truck and Prius drivers that barrel across lanes without signaling is far greater.

You’re right, but that requires another layer of thought! That’s too much for the average person.

Since when is that illegal?  I have never heard of that law.

Now put these clueless folks in a European car with rear fog lights.  Madness!

I strangely see this behavior on ramps that are easiest to accelerate on - straight, flat or even downhill.

No, it has to be simpler or more vague. Something like, “Death Viscera” or simply “Viscera”

Knowing what I know about the artificial complexities created by dealerships, even if the $750 went towards the car it would easily be rolled into some other BS dealer cost and rendered meaningless. Easy to do on a $60-70k car.

The maintenance aspect of home ownership is definitely a bummer. I’ve even accepted “I don’t want this job” quotes, and contractors STILL won’t come out.

That TSA agent earned their pay today.

If anything embodies the selfish, casual ignorance of the American driver, it is failure to use turn signals. For the safety of everyone on the road, please indicate when and where you are planning to move your 2-ton vehicle. It is possibly the easiest and most overlooked task of driving.

They probably love the conspicuous door action and the attention it brings.

I recently drove a 2023 Model 3 with 20k miles on it.

I look at that generation of Monte Carlo and wonder, what tragic sequence of events occurred between development and production? Did everyone on the design team truly think they were making good decisions? Was there massive disagreement and this was the compromised result? Did GM just not give a shit and half-assed it?

Yeah, Model Y is definitely way uglier than the 3 and S.

Imagine selling something for $100 on FB Marketplace and forgetting to take payment before handing over the item.

If you are interested in comparing CO2 output between cars, the EPA website does a pretty good job. We were able to see how our new hybrid SUV is about 40% cleaner (tailpipe CO2, grams per mile) than the old V6 Santa Fe it replaced.

As much as I would prefer putting my kids on the bus, our route schedule means they would have to get up significantly earlier to ride it. In our case it is far more convenient to drive them to school.

A steering yoke is currently optional on, what, 2 cars? I think traditional steering wheels are staying for a long time.

As others have pointed out, it could be because they are entering a place that doesn’t allow carrying.

Forgot to finish my sentence: “This causes at least 2 people to not know WTF is going on. It’s courtesy to a fault