And here a video showing Georges Romney in 1994, a couple of months before he passed away.
And here a video showing Georges Romney in 1994, a couple of months before he passed away.
For the little Nash Rambler history then Georges Mason and Georges Romney worked on it, here a good links about it
One guy ponder if the death of Art Modell means the end of Cleveland Curse? Except for the Cleveland Crunch of the NPSL, there was no sports championships since 1964.
I agree and I'll go a bit further.
Not only an EVO but also some first-gen Eclipses and the 3000GT.
And as a bonus, footage of the unfinished movie "Gone in 60 Seconds 2" by the late H.B Halicki.
Another cotender to the list to add is Honky Town Freeway.
Time to repost the Puma ad. ;-)
And here a car chase scene featuring Charles Bronson from "Violent City"
Time to remember Charles Bronson with others movies he starred when he was in Europe like the race against time in "Cold Sweat".
That reminds me of a comic strip titled "Shoe" by MacNelly from 1987 who pokes fun at the look-alike sedans from the era. Picture from
And to think the Brava alias 131 in Europe got tortured a lots in European movies for cars chase scenes like this one in the French movie "Le Professionel" with Jean-Paul Belmondo.
I think the XR4Ti suffered the same fate as the Euro Capri who was sold by Mercury-Lincoln dealers in the 1970s. It didn't fit the usual Mercury-Lincoln customers.
However, there was a time when the Accord was also attractive like the 1986-89 gen with the hidden headlights (and the last gen where the hatchback version was available) and the 1990-93 gen when it topped the charts in 1990 and 1991. I spotted a link who got various sales charts of the past year at …
Yup, Blues Brothers 2000.
It would had been more cool to destroy them in a pile-up cars movie scene. ;-)
And here an Sunfire ad broadcasted in Quebec, Canada. It was also useful in old western movies as well. ;-)
Here in Canada. Some dealers got the "good" idea to do a GTO package for the Sunfire around 1996-97 but it was quickly replaced by the GTX package. Picture founded at
Jalopnil once mentionned an El Camaro (they refers it as "El Camarino")
Now then you mention it, I wonder the same thing?