It reminds me of this VW spoof ad.
It reminds me of this VW spoof ad.
And on a off-topic note, I spotted a Camry ad inspired from the "Jidjab" clips []
It's a family sedan but there was a time when Toyota used to offer more "pizzazz", for a time the driver of a Camry could then, aspire to a Cressida for more luxury (back before Lexus arrived) or the Celica or even the Supra for more sportivity. I remember also when the Corolla even had a 2-door hardtop in its line-up…
I spotted this one from Autoblog, a French-Canadian 2012 car guide have some pictures of the 2012 Camry []
I guess they want to recreate that atmosphere. the felling of a 1990s Japanese car interior.
I taught the drivers favorite movie was Duel or Convoy. ;-)
Could we spoof Dr. Klahn's quote from the "Kentucky Fried Movie" with the following:
From what I read on Wikipedia [] it started after the shooting of a man. It had some more or less similar common points then the 2005 civil unrest in France.
+1 and add also the following car then I want. Picture from []
Someone on the Detroityes forums compared the London riots with the 1967 Detroit riots.
No, don't worry. It's because that article reminded me of Weird Al's song.
I didn't forgotted the Talon, but its cousin, the Plymouth Laser is more deeper in the shadows then the Talon.
I think Nissan was ahead of its time with that Pulsar NX. It could be had a interesting "crossover" vehicule before the term was applied for CUV.
The Axxess was more lucky in Canada, it continued to soldier around 1995 in the Great White North.
Strange coincidence, both Charles Wyly and James Dean drived a Porsche and both was killed by a Ford! Picture from []
Maybe the Prius is a bit too "white and nerdy" as seen in this clip of Weird Al Yankovic's "White and Nerdy" at 0:40.
I guess they let the Corolla and/or Camry for the AARP convention. ;-)
Comment of the day! :-)
Comment of the day! :-)
Interesting point you mentionned, I spotted the following comment by a guy nicknamed TalkingDust at