I spotted an interesting article about the Fox platform on Ate Up with Motor [ateupwithmotor.com] then I quoted an interesting exterpt:
I spotted an interesting article about the Fox platform on Ate Up with Motor [ateupwithmotor.com] then I quoted an interesting exterpt:
They probably got that idea from the Sesame Street pinball song "1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12" ;-)
Let's add one more vintage Firebird ad with the 1967 model.
Yes but strange then Chevy had keeped a Nova SS despite the Camaro presence in the line-up a bit longer.
Yeah, I think Ford missed some opportunity with the Maverick, I know its primairy target is an "economy car" but like the Duster, it could had been more sportier in terms of looks and muscle with a Boss 302 and keeping the Falcon moniker for the sedan. I spotted a scanned article from a magazine at [www.fordmaverick.c…
And here one more clip of the Brazilian A-body Charger
I forgotted to post the ad, here it is
Heheheheh, I guess it proved it with no trouble in this vintage ad from Brazil when the Dart was introduced there.
In Brazil, they used the Charger moniker for a 2-door Dart who's close foreign cousin of the Swinger 340, here a vintage Brazilian tv ad spotted on Youtube.
and the Aussie Charger. Too bad then Chrysler didn't bring that Hemi-6 here from Down Under.
But the Australians go a step further with a Hemi-6 first with a variant called Pacer [www.youtube.com]
The Huffington Post.... jumped the shark and nuked the fridge when Adrianna Huffington sold it to AOL. AOL jump the shark itself years ago after the ill-fated merger with Time-Warner.
You're welcome and let's hope then Reason magazine do a "Reason Saves Detroit" video series ;-)
Maybe I'm too optimistic, when I checked these pictures of Harlem taked in the 1980s and 2007 [forum.skyscraperpage.com] It's a wishful wish to wish the same happening to Detroit.
Here something less cruel.
Cleveland was also once the headquarters of Standard Oil (who'll be break-up in "Baby Standards" [en.wikipedia.org]
I spotted this article from the Calgary Beacon via the Skyscraperpage forum about "Mini-Motown"; Windsor Ontario [www.calgarybeacon.com]
In the topic of animals, let's add Daktari to the mix as well ;-)