why did she agree
why did she agree
why did she agree to settle? i thought she wanted more than just money.
don’t bother. i had my teeth straightened when i was a kid & they’ve moved back, worst than when we started.
emily, blink if you’re being held against your will!
superwhat now?
maybe it’s the pandemic forcing me to prioritize what i consider important but i couldn’t give a rat’s ass about these things anymore. sports in general have totally lost their appeal. it seems so pointless - hitting little balls or throwing balls or running really fast or going down a snowy hill...meh.
i really enjoyed this series & i agree marshawn was the best partner - very unexpected. i hope they make more episodes.
i just started playing it & as a former english major, i find i’m surprisingly good at it!
you beat me to chuck tingle!!! he was my first thought, too! (“beating me to chuck tingle” is also probably the title of one of his books, i’m just realizing.)
all dressed up & nothing to do!
perhaps someone could record some of chuck tingle’s books & play them. if he can write dino porn, gay cowboy porn should be a piece of cake! chuck tingle, don’t let us down!
but who amongst us is?
the host should provide slippers. i’m not just going to carry around slippers everywhere i go.
love the first one!
you had me at cake...but lost me at maraschino cherries.
i’ve watched the “co-op” episode several times, the songs are so good! paula pell is a treasure. the whole bit about getting the singer to pronounce the word ruined as “runed” is priceless.
what, the one with the little dutchmen in the radiatior banging hammers?
you shut your whore mouth! that episode is wonderful!
for people who don’t trust “convential” doctors & meds, plague rats sure love to run to the hospital when they get sick.
“...but at least you could expect the snark shark to come from an unexpected angle sometimes.” you’re welcome!