
counterpoint:  worstbuy  

counterpoint:  worstbuy  

he sure showed them!  (as he missed his flight & changed nothing)

the sweater is $295.

not gonna read this b/c i have a life but no sympathy for pretty women who knew exactly what they were getting into.

i hope she screws him over baaaaaad.

this can’t have enough stars!!!!

i don’t understand why she was penalized.  would a male player have been penalized doing the same thing to a man fan on the field?

Something that DeRuiter describes as “an oyster loaf that tasted like Newark airport”   *chef’s kiss!

so’s she.

how can we miss her IF SHE WON’T GO AWAY????!!!!!

too soon.


but...but...paula pell!!!!

unless you’re trying to turn off a lamp!

which is fine if this is also true:  “i have a fuckload of money & so do you!”

it’s so wonderful when the republicans eat their own!!!!

“elite thinkers?????!!!!!”

well, now i want a grilled cheese sandwich!  also, that first sandwich is definitely NOT grilled.  the cheese is not melted at all!

hey, what about the one with grumpy cat?????

sour cream, salt & pepper are all you need. the secrets of good mashed potatoes are: 1. do not mash them too much (or they turn gluey) & 2. don’t let them get cold. after they’re cooked, turn the heat down a bit, drain the water from the pot, keep the potatoes in the pot & return to stove.  let them dry out for