I was once told it’s best not to plant flowers around your mailbox, just in case your mailman’s allergic to bee stings.
I was once told it’s best not to plant flowers around your mailbox, just in case your mailman’s allergic to bee stings.
Checking in from Indiana, and I was pleased to see that you mention the “deer in the road” meaning. I use that one more than any other meaning! =)
Larry Burkett (Christian Financial Concepts/Crown Financial Ministries) definitely came up with the cash envelope system well before Dave Ramsey was on the scene. Burkett was a much nicer individual than Ramsey too, as far as I remember.
The importance of a journal can’t be over-emphasized. My migraine trigger is oats/oat bran, which I discovered after looking at common ingredients in the things I ate before a migraine attack. You’d be amazed at how many things people sneak oats & oat bran into! I’ve become a serious reader of food-labels.
A lot has changed about self-publishing thanks to the rise of ebooks. I’m an indie author, and none of my books were ever rejected by any literary establishment, because I never bothered submitting them. The fact is, a lot more of us are choosing to go independent from the very beginning because we get a greater…
My problem with Mastodon remains that I don’t want to seek out little communities to join, I want to create those communities for myself using lists. I actually really love my little curated Twitter feed, and I’m sad to lose it.
I’m currently giving Dragon Age: Origins a replay for the first time since the year it released (when I played it from a CD installation). On Steam, it’s very buggy & crashes a lot, and definitely not as pretty as later games. I really hope BioWare decides to give it a Legendary Edition treatment a la Mass Effect…
I’m not afraid of dogs, and I’m also a cat-person by preference, but my experience has mostly been that the bigger and scarier-looking the dog, the better the owner and the sweeter the dog. I hate breed bans, so especially if I see a dog that looks like a pit or a rottie, I ask the owner if I can say hi, because I…
THIS. Nearly every time my mom and I go hiking, I have to put myself between my mom and a dog some jerk has allowed off leash despite the 6-foot-leash rule. My mom is terrified of dogs, and people shouldn’t inflict their dogs on her if she doesn’t want them.
I just read The Affair of the Mysterious Letter a few weeks ago—so lovely, but I can’t help wanting a sequel! And as for A Night in the Lonesome October... I have to agree with those who say it’s Zelazny’s finest work. Definitely time for a reread. :)
“A couple inches is enough.”
Reality Bites
Oops, pesky decimals. This is why I don’t math often. Still, 30 times more fatal than flu is still worse.
It’s confirmed one county over from where I live and work, so I’m sure it has made its way into my area. It is SO HARD not to touch my face. So much of my work is done at a computer, and I default to poor posture and resting my chin on my hand...
I’ve been pointing out that the flu has a 0.01% death rate, while COVID-19 has a 3.something% death rate.
“What are the chances someone who visits that museum”
Every little bit helps. My tiny little nonprofit museum gets about $20-25 per quarter through Amazon Smile, but that’s the equivalent of 3-4 people doing individual memberships in our nonprofit society. We’re not going to turn our noses up at it. :)
I can’t figure out why Google Calendar can’t pull up a friend’s address for a location when that friend is listed in my Gmail contacts. It seems like they ought to talk to each other.
On the other hand, I work at a museum, and words like curate and meta (as in metadata) have other meanings there. So these words only make you look like an is you’re note using them in the proper context. :D