
This pilot is SO much better and more emotionally engaging than ANY episode of How To Get Away With Murder. In one hour, I instantly cared about Jamal and Cookie and Jamal's relationship with Hakeem. Whereas with Murder, half of a season is done and I still don't care about ANY of them except for Analise.

THANK YOU. My god, how you followed that in a very confusing episode is astounding. Thanks for clearing it up for me!

Can someone explain, does this mean Paul was always working secretly for the military while pretending to work for Dyad? Why did Mrs S have to flip him then? I'm SO confused about his role. Also, since Marion helped Sarah escape, why didn't she just cancel the surgery rather than Sarah having to fight Rachel? Marion

Girl please, even *I* wanna rape Paul.

I love the way Nolan says, "Oh but you've already been played" while sighing with exhaustion and not even looking at Javier.

Blaine and Kurt making out several times and waking up in bed together was enough for me to give this an A. What can I say? I'm a cheap date.

In 2 episodes, Javier is already 10x more interesting/charming/sexier than Declan ever was in 2 seasons. But I'd prefer if he was shirtless all the time and wooing Nolan rather than in a tux and wooing Charlotte.

Javier looked promising in that white tee. Imma need him to be shirtless and wooing Nolan soon please.

"Not just because it’s gay, but because it’s great."

Agustin is now a more loathsome creature than Betty Draper or Don Humphrey.

I'll amend:

Not to mention a cute guy who doesn't dress like a douche nozzle.

Cuz he knew Richie could beat his ass.

Maybe with some peri peri chicken? (seriously WTF is that?)

THAT was so satisfying for me. After all Agustin's pretentious idolizing of CJ's "free" lifestyle, it turns out CJ is more interested in Frank than Agustin bwahahahaha. Eat it bitch.

Hopefully in a sex scene with his hot boyfriend. The question is though: which one is the top? :P

I think about Brandon a lot too when I'm in bed. His brain is sexy.

Exactly. Ugh. Shoot him now please. Agustin's brains splattered across a canvas would be the best art he ever produced.

Thank you! I thought this episode was great. I don't know why Brandon keeps under-grading them despite writing the best commentary about this show online, and usually in such a detailed and insightful way, that its clear he usually likes the episodes more than his grade reveals.

God yes, I love Richie so much.