Stephan Lee

As men age their ears and nose get bigger. It's science.. Women are gifted with more aesthetically pleasing features. Big eyes and varied lips. Dunno. Deal with it.

This is not even an evolution picture A.V… You've literally stolen a piece of the conceptual artwork for the console fighting game Soul Calibur. Those are each totally different characters from within that ONE game. Do some freaking investigating for god's sake guys.

Whatever hang ups people have about the quadrilogy.. well, to each their own. I enjoy each no matter how ridiculous. As for the avp and prometheus.. other matters entirely.

That "crap" band is the only reason I even learned about the good classics (punk, jazz, rock or otherwise) as a kid. Because unlike a lot of todays "artists" he actually credited his influences. No need to discredit a band that did way more than you ever will. No, really, where is your greatest hits or top 10# hit?"

Get the stick out your ass bud. In the world of science there is a very broad idea of what yes no mean and they're still totally different because when the world changes it does just that. Atmosphere and chemical makeup obliterated. Thus making it totally different in terms of how the light shines through the

Tolkien wrote many times that Middle-earth is located ON Earth.(But is not OUR Earth. He described it as an imaginary period in Earth's PAST.

You can't possibly be basing this joke on Earth physics when he lives in Middle Earth which bears no similarities beyond carrying the mere word "earth" in its title..?

"I make a living ripping off someones identity. Don't mind me while I boycott you for not supporting it."